Costa Rica: A destination to improve your health and add years to your life.

Since 2016 Costa Rica has been advancing with several health programs to offer its tourists who have a medical condition or procedure to be performed, so they can have a different and specialized experience. This country has been ranked as one of the happiest places in the world, for its natural diversity, the quality of its people, and a pleasant climate and wishes to offer it to all those who visit it.

Costa Rica is one of the five countries that has registered the highest increase in visits from Americans and Canadians seeking medical treatment, according to a ranking by International Living magazine. Its high quality of care and low prices allow reducing the cost of each intervention, compared to the United States.

Many private clinics and hotels in the sector offer special services according to the plan chosen by the patient. For example, in areas such as treatments for Parkinson’s disease, alcohol, as well as stress, not only through conventional medicine but also with holistic therapies. Costa Rica has about 300 companies involved in medical tourism.

In this beautiful country you can find the following medical services for foreigners at excellent prices; in the first place are dental services, followed by bariatric, orthopedic, and cosmetic surgery.

Jennifer Stevens, executive editor of International Living explains, “Deductibles can be high and some procedures are not covered. Flying abroad, having the procedure done, taking a vacation for a week or two, could result as being less expensive than simply paying for the procedure in the United States”.

In Costa Rica, Americans save between 45% and 65% per procedure compared to their home country, according to the International Living report, with which Manzi agrees.

Allan Flores, Costa Rica’s Minister of Tourism, spoke of wellness tourism as a complement to the country’s medical offerings: yoga and meditation retreats and relaxing massages with thermal waters can be found in Guanacaste and San Carlos.

Several factors have made Costa Rica a special spot for medical tourism, such as the constant training of doctors in the United States and several European countries, the updating of health centers in Costa Rica, and the great savings for the foreign pocket, are factors that make it the main destination.

If you need to undergo any type of surgery, there is no doubt that Costa Rica is your best option; its convenient location and access, affordable prices, great modern hospitals, the best surgeons, and the opportunity to visit some of the popular destinations such as Guanacaste with its beaches, Arenal and other places will help transform your trip into a magnificent occasion and the opportunity to spend some time in one of the most wonderful countries in the world. Having hospitals and clinics nearby for treatment and an international airport near the area of Liberia in Guanacaste.

For its easy lifestyle, beauty, and respect for Mother Earth. There is simply no better place to rest, relax and recuperate.

The best clinics and hospitals

According to the Costa Rica Medical Tourism Corporation, special agreements have been made with private clinics and hospitals in the region to provide a luxurious and comfortable service in medical procedures. Hospital Cima, Hospital Clínica Bíblica, and Hospital La Católica are the state-of-the-art hospitals where the best surgeons in the country treat their patients. The Corporation also made arrangements with special recovery centers, where patients and their guests can go to relax and enjoy the beauty of Costa Rica, in peace and harmony with nature.

The best hospitals for medical tourism

Cima Hospital

Cima Hospital with its San Jose and Liberia locations in the province of Guanacaste (30 minutes from the beach), stands out for being the best hospital in the region, as it has fully trained medical staff and bilingual attention to provide the care required for your treatment. One of the highlights of this hospital is that it has the capacity to offer complete packages for the patient, from the preparation and logistics of the trip, reception, lodging, personalized medical care services, and the security that every patient deserves. It has all the complete medical treatment services, such as dental aesthetics, plastic surgery, orthopedic rehabilitation, oncology treatments, and other specialized services.

Metropolitan Hospital

This hospital offers services in three important points in Costa Rica, in San José, and in Liberia and Nicoya, two strategic points since they are less than 30 minutes away from beautiful beaches and tourist dream places. They offer all the main services of medical attention, such as ontological, general medical check-up, dermatological attention, and others.

Hotel recommendations for medical tourism.

Many hotels in the Guanacaste area offer relaxation services, stay near the sea, spas, hot springs therapy near the volcanoes, complete tours to visit the areas of the place and see nature, there are many hotels, but the recommended ones with good services are Blue River Resort and Hot Springs with its hot springs, Hotel Planet Hollywood that offers insurance and specialized medical attention if required and others that offer the same categories such as Hacienda Guachipelín with its visits to the waterfalls and its natural Hot Springs.

A destination to live longer.

If you are considering a destination for retirement or simply want to enjoy more years of life, Costa Rica is one of the most sought after and longed for destinations.

According to studies done by health specialists, The American Gerontological Society and National Geographic, have placed the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica as one of the blue zones of the planet. Blue Zones are recognized for being places where, due to their climate, culture, and lifestyle, people live more than 100 years.

This area stands out for the beauty of its environment, has many tourist attractions and conservation areas that the inhabitants of the areas have taken care of with care. And also the culture of the area, people who prefer to walk around the places rather than drive, healthier diet due to products harvested from the area such as corn, where family comes first and people are friendly, have resulted in being one of the longest-lived places in the world, and you can also be part of this group.

Many scientists and scholars have searched for the secret of this blue zone in Costa Rica and highlight the type of water, food, nutrition (particularly the consumption of grains), and the relevance of social networks, which tend to be greater than those that develop in the Central Valley. In other words, they have a quieter, more peaceful life away from today’s technology and demands.

If you want to improve your quality of life and not only that live in a beautiful area, full of nature that relaxes, well the Nicoya area in Guanacaste is the ideal place for you, properties to build are affordable and you can live meters or minutes from the beach, can you imagine waking up and hear the birds sing, hear the sound of the sea and know that your living condition can improve. Don’t think twice and visit Costa Rica, the place of the “Pura Vida”.

Sources of help

“Costa Rica: destino ideal para el turismo médico.” Recovered from:

Cubero, Alexandra. (2018). “Costa Rica cada vez atrae a más visitantes por turismo médico”
La República. Recovered from:

“Fenómeno del turismo médico en Costa Rica”. Recovered from:

“Hospital Metropolitano” Recoverede from: “
“¿Qué son las zonas azules? Recovered from:

“The blue zones”. Recovered from:

“Turismo Médico”. Hospital Cima. Recovered from:
“Turismo médico en Costa Rica” (2012) Recovered from: ta-de-servicios-de-valor-agregado/

Hotels and Resorts mentioned:

Planet Hollywood:
Blue River Resort:
Hacienda Guachipelín:



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